
Friday, December 17, 2021

Forced Perspective Photos

 Talofa everybody today I'm going to show Forced Perspective Photos it's a photo where you  pretend that tiny things are big things.Here is a photo of me in a green thing, and I'm stuck in there. Hopefuly one day someone will get me out of here.BYE. 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Monday, November 22, 2021

My fist poem.

 In writing we are doing Haiku.Haiku is a poem with only three lines. Haiku is traditional to Japan. Haiku poems have syllables from 5-7-5.Hope you anjoy bye.

Summer is the best.

Friends are laughing at the beach.

 Swimming in the sea.

My Chromebook is smart.

Friendly , fearless and  focused.

I      have    one  at    school.


Thursday, November 4, 2021


 Namaste today is Divali day and  our  class is doing  rangoli art and everyone did and I'm going to share it with you.Hope you enjoy.

Kids should do chores to get pocket money.

Namaste everybody today I'm going to tell you why Kids should do chores to get pocket money.Hope you enjoy BYE.

Kids should chores to earn pocket money.


I strongly agree that kids should do chores to earn money.

Kids have to do chores anyway, so they should earn money for working.

I’m going to tell you three reasons and examples about the reasons.

First, when they have their own money, kids can buy what they want

For example if you buy your own stuff with your own money then you  can keep it in your room so your siblings don’t find out.

If you buy your own stuff your siblings tell your parents then you will get in trouble.If you talk to your parents and remind them you paid for it they might not make you share.

If you buy your own stuff, if you're an angel sibling you might give your sibling a little treat. It feels nice to buy things for others sometimes.

Another reason, kids can stop asking their parents for money.

For me I have asked my parents for money and they got mad at me because when they gave me money I kept on asking them for more money.But now I have my own money.

If your parents are mad at you  and you want money but they won’t give you.Don’t worry you got your own money.

If your parents won’t give you money don’t worry you got your own money saved up.

Finally, kids can maybe save up for college.

If you maybe do this for a long time you can save up.

If you save up for college it might be a long time but it’s worth it because your parents won’t have to pay.

If your parents are poor you can pay for your college yourself.

In conclusion I love to hear jingle jingle as the coins in my pocket tap each other, so yeah do you agree with me children should do chores to get pocket money.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Palm Tree

 Talofa everyone today I'm going to show you a palm tree made out of other pictures.In room 11 our digitech teacher told us that if you own the picture you own the copy of it too.She said it is not okay to use other people's photo's and use it for your amazing design.This is my palm tree hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Bowling Zone

 Talofa everyone today I'm going to make you want to go to the bowling zone. I hope I make you want to  go to the bowling zone.Hope you enjoy my post.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Breaking News.

 We made breaking news it sounds and looks just like breaking news.I hope you enjoy. 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Persuasive Writing

 Talofa. Everybody today I'm going to show you that summer is the best season.Read down below and you will know why I said that.I hope you enjoy.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Best thing about the beach.

 We used sound trap to record sound effects for our persuasive slide.


 We made comics that tells story.Hope You enjoy.

Friday, September 17, 2021


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Remove BG Lesson

 Today in room 11 had remove BG lesson. It's about removing backrounds from your picture's.Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Abstract Art.

 After reading Luke's way of looking we were asked to create a abstract portrait of ourselves.


 We have been looking at ways to add impact to our narratives. We found that onomatopoeia enhances our stories.


Friday, September 10, 2021

Garbage Barge

We were reading and listening to a text about a garbage barge and we had to use minecraft to show some key information. Please click on the picture below.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Talofa everybody yesterday my family and I went on a walk.We went from our house to Heihei street.Hope you enjoy and stay safe.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My Treasure Hunt Through Kiwi Kids News

 Talofa everybody today I'm going to show you my treasure hunt through kiwi kids news.You might have seen the same post yesterday but today these are different questions.I have answered them and I hope I did them all right.Hope you enjoy and stay safe with your families.Take care and maybe go outside today for some fresh air.BYE


Monday, August 30, 2021

My Treasure Hunt Through Kiwi Kids News

 Talofa everybody today I'm going to show you my treasure hunt through kiwi kids news. In room 11 we  have been looking in kiwi kids news. Our teacher gave us work about kiwi kids news and we had to look for the answers to our teachers question. Hope you enjoy.Stay safe with your family's


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Magic Trick

Talofa everybody today I'm going to show you a magic trick to cotton swap in six.Stay Safe

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 Talofa eveybody walcome back today I'm going to show you about coordinates.You might have seen it on Shreeya's blog.Coordinates is about a hidden picture and you have to follow the what the yellow page say and your keep on continuing until it show you the real picture.This is my picture I'm finished with all the levels.

Stay Safe and Hope You Enjoy


 Hello everybody I hope you are staying safe.When we were in school in room 11 we did Digitech.In digitech we have been doing pixto.Pixton is a app the you can make a comic and in pixton there is a thing the say class photo and when you click on it it gets all of your classmates.In pixton you can do you profile and there is a lot of choice's.Hope you enjoy and stay safe.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

One minute challenge

Talofa everybody today I'm going to show Incredibox  it's a app witch you make a song.Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Talofa everybody. Today I'm going to show you my rap for storm water. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

My Hook

Talofa welcome back today I'm going to show you a story about and under water ahlete.  

On your marks,get set,Bang!.I jumped in to the pool.Number 42 representing New Zealand as an under water athlete.I sprinted and I jumped over the hurdles.I thought my hair was waving around but I forgot my I have short hair.My muscle's were failing me but I kept on going until I saw the finish line. The only thing standing right in front of me was fish.I sprinted as hard as can through the fish and I won!

 Underwater Olympics

Friday, August 6, 2021

Haunted House

Boom!! I heard something fall off the shelf in the haunted house. Shreeya yelled “There is something white on the window I think it was a ghost” Vaoiva said, “there is no such thing as a ghost, let’s go back to bed. 

One hour later.Mum helped us to get to the haunted house. When we walked in we heard strange noises and stuff fall down. 

Suddenly a ghost started following us when we were walking inside. Then we wanted to know where they are and wanted to talk to them so we used our equipment to talk to them.The ghost keeps on running away from us and Shreeya and I made a trap and they got stuck.But ran away so we tried to find them again.

After finding them we told them to show their true identity.But the ghost replied and said “you really think it’s going to be that easy ,fine we will call the police.” Reader we were actually pranking the ghost so that we have enough time to make another trap.

We pretended to call the police and we went outside to change into police costumes, so that we could fool the ghost. After that we pretend to be policemen. We went back and made our other trap. We trapped them and this time they got stuck, by showing their true identity.

Their true identity was our other friend. We wanted to call the police but we can’t do that to our friend.

Our friend said sorry and we lived happily ever after the end. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Permeable & Impermeable

Talofa everybody today I'm going to show you what  permeable &  impermeable is. Permeable  is about  things that when water get on it,it soaks in it.Impermeable is about when water gets on it the only way it gets of is by evaporating or going in drains. 




Fake grass




Cardboard box





White board



Drive way

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Alphabet Brainstorm

 Hello everybody today I'm going to show you my buddy and I our work.We had to say what we did in the Holidays and me and my buddy share our ideas and then write it down.Hope you enjoy. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Bee Insect

 In room 11 we have been doing insect and I chose Bee and hope you enjoy.

Matariki Goal

 In Room 11 we have been doing Matariki goal for the new year.Here is mine hope you enjoy.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Bump Cars Tag.

 In writing we have been writing how to play bump car tag.If you always play with Mrs Cassidy you know how to play it then.Hope you enjoy.

Bump Tag

What you need

1.Two balls

2.Class of students or you can play with your family of six or more.

3.You need to go to a place that is big and has heaps of spaces.

Game set up.

1.Decide who is gonna be tager and who is gonna be chased.

2.People are going to pick their partner if they are not equal they can be in groups of three.

3.Stand beside each other so that when somebody bumps on you your buddy can push you and you can run.

How to play.

1.Get into buddies and spread out inside the court with your buddy.

2.Teachers choose two taggers and one pair to be the runners.

3.When the teacher or someone else says go, the taggers chase after the runners while the rest of the buddies stand still.

4.If a runner is tagged by a tagger they switch roles.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Directions to the Hub from Hornby Primary School.

Directions to the Hub from Hornby Primary School.


1.Go out the front gate and turn left onto Waterloo Road.

2. Go straight until you get to Carmen road.

3.Press the silver button on the lights and wait till the person on the lights turns green.

4. Go straight passed the G.A.S station and go straight till you get to Chalmers St.

5. Turn left and go straight pass the Hornby Club.

6. Turn right towards the hub and go in through the back door.

Friday, June 18, 2021

How to brush your teeth.

 Hello everyone today I'm going to show you how to brush your teeth.The instration are here.

How to Brush my Teeth.

Materials and Ingredients

Tooth brush

Tooth paste



  1.  Put the toothpaste on the tooth brush.

  2.  Turn on the tap and wet the toothbrush.

  3. Put the brush into your mouth and move the bristles around all the teeth in your mouth.

  4. Spit out the bubbles in your mouth put some water in your mouth and spit it out.

  5. Put your tooth brush and toothpaste away.

  6. Look in the mirror and and smile.

Heating water experiment.

 Hello everybody.In Monga we have been reading Heat it up.It is about to girls try to make an soller power owan but the ovan took too long that they see if the color of the ovan would make a difrences.

Heating water experiment.

You need

Two cups

One black paper and one white paper.



Measuring jug


Wrap one cup with white paper.

Wrap the other cup with black paper.

Fill both of the cups with water.

Measure both cups water.

Put it outside for two hours.

After measure how hot or cold is the water. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How to make a Hot Chocolate.

 Talofa everyone In room 11 we have been writing how to make a hot chocolate.Hope you enjoy.

How to make a Hot Chocolate.










  1. Pour the milk into the mug.

  2. Put the mug in the microwave for 1 minute.

  3. Take your hot milk out from the microwave with a towel

  4. Put two teaspoons of milo into your mug

  5. Stir till dissolved

  6. Put 2 marshmallows in your mug.

  7. Drink it.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Describe of the tree house.

 Hello everyone today I'm going to  show you a Describe  about tree house Hope you enjoy.

In the weekends my family and I go to our treehouse. It is so cool when we get there. It is on an island. The island is nice. It has heaps of colorful lights. The color is light red.There were heaps of trees around our tree house. 

I jump straight out of the car. I always see heaps of birds flying.My parents' bedroom view was so nice that I almost fell down from the window, but my dad grap me. Dad is mad at me because I almost fell down from the window. My mom made food for us.My mum is nice like a nice sunny day. The food smelled so nice I already have my plate and a spoon. Now we're going to the spa. We turn on the pupels and it sounds so relaxing, that it hurts. Splash I go in the spa and water gets all over my parents. The bubbles in the spa hurts a lot. I smell the nature tree  leaves.The spa water smells nice and fresh.

Now we are going to change. I look at my hands to have wrinkles on them. Finally I was change. I look at my hands but I still have wrinkles. My mom says it time for bed but first I had to brush my teeth.Done!  My teeth are shiny like diamonds.Down I go to sleep bye.

Treehouse by Crump Architects - A Childhood Hideaway Designed for Fun

Friday, May 28, 2021

Language Features

We have been learning  about onomatopoeia ,  onomatopoeia is something about sound.Here is my onomatopoeia book.Hope you enjoy.




In room 11 we have been doing similes and I did a simile for my teacher Miss Clifford.Here is the poem that I wrote for her.

Person Miss Clifford

She is as happy as a rainbow.

She is as graceful as a ballerina.

She is as beautiful as a queen.

She is as smart as a scientist.

She shines like gold. 

She is as lovely as a nice person.


Riroriro Quiz

In room 11 we have been doing a quiz about our new class room name it is the riroriro it is a bird you can find through out New Zealand.You guys can try it out on my blog it is only three question and I think they might be to easy for you.


Thursday, May 27, 2021


In room 11 we have been doing similes and I did a simile for my teacher Miss Clifford.Here is the poem that I wrote for her.

Person Miss Clifford

She is as happy as a rainbow.

She is as graceful as a ballerina.

She is as beautiful as a queen.

She is as smart as a scientist.

She shines like gold. 

She is as lovely as a nice person.

Monday, May 24, 2021

My buddy and Me

 Hello everybody today I'm going to tell you about my buddy and me.Last week we had buddy time with room two our activity was to draw each other's face, anytime the teacher finished the minutes we have to swap ipad and draw our buddy's face again.Here is me and my buddy's drawing.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Viking Village

Hi everyone today I'm going to tell you about a viking village.It's like an abandon place but it's not it's very old though. 

 I am at  a Viking Village  the first thing I saw was a green rocky giant mountain, as I was walking on the ricketi road it felt  so scared that the viking’s might be mean. 

The vikings were making swords and axes so loud. When I so the shields I touched it, it felt so soft.The fires in the skull looked like a tongue for the skull. The village looked old as an abandoned village.

I continued to explore the village I could hear loud banging and clanging it was loud that my ears hurt. The salty beach looked so freezing I did not want to go in, but the villagers looked like they want to go in.

People were chatting about what is coming up  and what their selling.When they saw me they were surprised.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 In room 11 we made visual Pepeha's. In this term were learning them.Hope you enjoy my Pepeha.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Life Education

In room 11 we have been  doing Life Education.In Life Education we have been learning team work  and one of the team work activities are knots and puzzles.We watched a play too.Harold told some dad jokes and some of the jokes were pretty bad.Some of you might have even see him.At the end we had a dance party and it was so fun.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Red Ball 100WC Free writing.

In writing we have been writing about a giant red ball some of my class mates are posting it on there blogs.I hope you enjoy it.


In the holidays my family and I went walking. We went on walks for three days then one day we were walking and we heard a grumbling.Then we continued walking but then we saw a giant red ball, I was so surprised because it was so big. I thought it popped but it didn’t so I explored it. I wanted to bunce it but I couldn’t because it was too big. People saw the ball and started to run to the ball, and they thought it was cool so they took pictures of it. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Riroriro Facts and google drawing pictures.

In topic we have been learning new class names, and the riroriro is the room 11 new name. The other class have bird names to but different names, and I have made a google drawing of it.Here are some facts about it and a google drawing of it.


Friday, May 7, 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

The lighthouse Newspaper Article.

 We have been learning to write recounts in the style of a Newspaper.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

All about chance

We have been learning about probability. Here are some statements we made using the movie maker



Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Present

 On the weekend I was playing Minecraft Education at home. I was playing with my friends Shreeya and Ayani online. We always play together every weekend. It is our favourite game.

When mum finished work she came in with a giant box she opened the curtains.  I paused the game and opened the box and there was a dog. I loved it a little bit  then I saw it had three legs. I felt a little mad so I threw the dog down and continued playing.  I told my friends what my mom had got me.

When the dog saw the ball under the cupboard she sprinted to it.Then he gave it to me and I didn’t want to play with her.I kicked the ball and the dog went and got it.

First I laughed a little bit at the dog. But I still felt mad about it.Then I started to feel bad because of how I was treating her so I went outside and played with her. I named the dog Daisy.The dog was a girl.